
Astrid Sands, Finance Manager, Caring For You

“We have more time to get on with business”

Every workplace requires the specialist knowledge of CES Consulting. Whether you are a medium business or a large company, they provide peace of mind. We know they take care of liaising with Worksafe and our affected employees, and keep us updated with any further information on legislation or developments in our cases.

By having CES Consulting take care of our WorkCover claims, we have more time to get on with business. CES keep us informed about our claims as information comes to light, and about our premiums and our responsibilities to Worksafe. They have assisted us in attending the conciliation services and providing us with detailed information on how all the processes take place. This in turn provides us with knowledge and assurance of the procedures that follow.

I would highly recommend CES Consulting. They provide cost-effective and professional service at all times. Their knowledge of all aspects of Worksafe and their close associations with key contacts within the insurance agencies help to provide prompt and accurate information. They assist in minimising any potential financial penalties, and by reviewing our corporate structure yearly they are able to provide accurate premium liabilities.